Undergraduate Judiciary Cabinet (UJC)

The UJC is the judicial branch of the undergraduate arm of Tech’s Student Government Association (SGA). The primary purpose of the UJC is to hear cases of non-academic misconduct that involve Institute undergraduates. When an undergraduate student or organization violates the Student Code of Conduct, that violation gets reported to the Office of Student Integrity (OSI). If there is legitimacy to the violation, OSI proceeds forward with an investigation. After the investigation is complete, the student or organization can elect to have his/hers/their case heard by either (1) a representative of OSI, also known as a Student Conduct Administrator, or (2) the Student Conduct Panel (UJC). The panel conducts a hearing, renders a decision, and makes a recommendation to the Associate Dean/Director of Student Integrity. The Director, after reviewing the case, renders a decision of (1) Not Responsible, which closes the case, or (2) Responsible for one or more violations with an appropriate Sanction(s), as warranted.

The secondary purpose of the UJC is to interpret any and all SGA policy (Constitution, Bylaws, codes, ethics, etc.) and to determine if any actions by the Executive or Legislative branch are unconstitutional. In addition, the UJC also oversees the SGA election process and conducts hearings on potential election violations.

For more information, including recruitment and elections, please visit the Undergraduate Judiciary Cabinet page on the SGA website.

Graduate Judiciary Cabinet (GJC)

The GJC is the judicial branch of the graduate arm of Tech’s Student Government Association (SGA). The GJC is appointed annually and hears cases of alleged violations of non-academic misconduct that involve Institute graduate students. The GJC also rules on issues involving constitutionality within the Graduate Student Senate, and on contested elections. Panel members are selected through a process that involves approval and oversight from graduate SGA’s executive and legislative wings. None of the justices may be members of the Senate or officers in the Graduate Student Senate during their terms.

For more information, please visit the Graduate SGA page. 

Student Honor Committee (Honor Committee)

The Student Honor Committee is an arm of the Faculty Senate that hears cases of academic misconduct that involve Institute undergraduates and graduates. Cases arrive at the Honor Committee either when the Office of Student Integrity (OSI) representative forwards them or when a student chooses the Honor Committee instead of the OSI representative. Its membership consists of 12 faculty members, six (6) undergraduate students, and three (3) graduate students. When it hears cases, the committee requires four (4) faculty members, as well as two students. If the accused student is an undergraduate, at least one of the two student representatives must be an undergraduate. If the accused is a graduate, the same is true. The Faculty Senate elects representatives to three-year terms. The undergraduate and graduate SGA presidents appoint student representatives to year-long terms, with the approval of the legislative branch.