Faculty determine what constitutes academic misconduct in their course.
As the primary instructor, you are the final authority on what will be considered academic misconduct for any course that you teach. However, it is expected that you take time to reflect on your course and the types of potential violations that might occur. After careful reflection, you are expected to clearly communicate both verbally and in writing what is expected of your students. This expectation can be successfully fulfilled in a number of ways. You can write a thorough syllabus statement that addresses acceptable collaboration, acceptable use of technology, procedures for requesting regrades, and your expectations for citing source material.
Faculty are expected to provide an even playing field for students in the classroom. At Georgia Tech, faculty are encouraged to provide past examples of test questions, assignments, and other examples of potential graded materials. This provides students with a better understanding of what you, the faculty member, consider important material, as well as giving the student insight into your testing/questioning style. This helps students feel more comfortable with what is expected and lessens the incentive to cheat. Please be very clear about the proper use of prior materials in your syllabus statement. In addition, some students have the ability to secure past examples of work. Providing access to these materials and clear instructions about their proper use gives all students access, instead of an unknown portion of your class. We encourage you to make frequent changes to your evaluation methods and materials to avoid potential problems with the use of prior information.
A faculty member is expected to forward a suspected violation of the Academic Honor Code to the Office of Student Integrity (Office of the Dean of Students). The Academic Honor Code does not require students to report other students to the Office of the Dean of Students. However, one of the three options available to students is to report a violation to the faculty. Once an allegation has been brought to your attention or once you have noticed something that concerns you, you are expected to forward the case to the Office of Student Integrity for an investigation.
Please review the Academic Honor Code to understand better what is expected of Georgia Tech students