Reasons for Appeal

The appeal process is not intended to grant a new hearing at a higher level. An appeal shall be limited to a review of the record of the initial hearing, supporting documents, and the Respondent’s written appeal. The Respondent must explicitly state why he or she believes an appeal is warranted. Appeals will be considered only for the following reasons:

  • To determine whether the original hearing was conducted fairly and in conformity with prescribed procedures;
  • To determine whether there was sufficient evidence to support the decision;
  • To determine whether the Sanctions and Supplementary Requirements imposed were appropriate for the violation for which the Student was found responsible; and/or
  • To determine whether new Information, not available at the time of the hearing, is relevant to the final decision.


If a case is appealed, sanctions are not imposed unless the welfare of a person or the community is threatened.

Sanctions will be imposed if an appeal is not filed, the deadline for an appeal passes, or when an appeal decision has been finalized.

The appeal must be addressed to the appropriate Appellate Officer and delivered to the Office of Student Integrity within five (5) business days of the delivery of the decision. Appeal decisions will normally be rendered within ten (10) business days either in person, or accordance with the communication guidelines in Section H.2. Extension of these deadlines may be granted for extenuating circumstances. At the discretion of the Appellate Officer, a designee may be selected to determine the outcome of the appeal.

For all decisions made by the Office of Student Integrity, the Appellate Officer shall be the Associate Vice President for Student Engagement and Well-Being and Dean of Students.

For outcomes where the sanction includes suspension or expulsion, Students may appeal to the Institute President.  The President’s designee shall normally be the Vice President for Student Engagement and Well-Being, unless there is a conflict of interest or the Vice President for Student Engagement and Well-Being is otherwise unavailable. The Vice President for Student Engagement and Well-Being's decision will be the final decision of the Institute.

Appeal Decisions

Decisions of the Appellate Officer go into effect immediately. The Appellate Officer is authorized to take one of the following actions:

  • dismiss the appeal for failure to state valid reasons, in accordance with Section H.1.
  • find no error and uphold the original decision;
  • uphold the original decision, but modify Sanctions and Supplementary Requirements;
  • remand the case to a Student Conduct Administrator or Student Conduct Panel; or
  • reverse the original decision.

Board of Regents

The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (the "Board") is the final appellate authority for all cases of suspension or expulsion that have been reviewed by the Institute President.

Should the Respondent be dissatisfied with the decision of the Institute President, he/she may apply to the Board for a review of the decision. The application for review shall be submitted in writing to the executive secretary of the Board within the period specified by the Board of Regents.