What do I do if I think I have an Academic Honor Code Violation?
All that is necessary to report an allegation is to fill out the online form available on the OSI website. The form allows you to upload any supporting information (copies of exams, syllabus, etc.). After OSI receives the report, If additional information is needed, the staff member assigned to the case will be in contact.
Can I just fail the student and not go through the conduct process?
No. The Student Code of Conduct and the Academic Honor Code prohibit penalty grading. This may also infringe on the student’s due process, leaving the faculty member legally liable.
Can I consider this a teachable moment and not go to the Office of Student Integrity?
It depends. Effectiveness of the Academic Honor Code relies on participation of both faculty and students. If you believe an act of academic misconduct has occurred, you should contact the Office of Student Integrity and discuss your concern. If you complete a Faculty Conference as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, you are encouraged to consult OSI first to make sure the student is eligible for a Faculty Conference. In addition, you are required to send the resolution of the case to the Office of Student Integrity (OSI) once a Faculty Conference is complete, as OSI is the centralized location where student discipline files are kept at The Institute.
Do I have to confront the student?
No. If you are not comfortable speaking to the student about your concern, you are welcome to directly refer the incident to the Office of Student Integrity. If you would prefer to speak with the student first, please do so. No two students or cases are the same–you need to approach it in a manner that is most comfortable for you.
What do I do about the grade? Can the student continue to attend class?
Yes, the student should be allowed to continue in the course. The student should be assigned a grade of “I” for the assignment (an “I” for the course if the end of term grades are due) until a resolution is reached, at which time you will need to submit a grade change form once instructed to do so by the OSI staff upon resolution of the case.
Does the process require a lot of my time?
The amount of time involved varies depending on the position of the student and their approach to the case. The process requires that you document your concern and may involve a couple conversations with OSI staff. Staff may need to consult with you about differences in the student’s account of events and those submitted on the report. Faculty members submitting incidents are occasionally asked to attend a hearing regarding the case.
How long does this process take?
The length of time for completing the conduct process varies based on the facts and complexities of the case. Some cases may be handled in one meeting; other cases may take longer depending on the complexities of the case.
What are the possible sanctions assigned when a student is found responsible?
Typically, a student is assigned a grade penalty as well as a disciplinary sanction and an educational component. These sanctions are outlined in the academic misconduct sanction guidelines.