Submitted by ymrv3 on

Student Rights

Students may choose to have their case resolved by either an OSI student conduct administrator or by a conduct panel. The same student rights are available for both options. Students going through the conduct process have the following rights:

  • To be notified of the alleged misconduct and of OSI’s involvement.
  • To be given an opportunity to offer a relevant response.
  • To be accompanied by an advisor of their choice.
  • To call and question relevant witnesses.
  • To be considered not responsible until proven responsible by a preponderance of the evidence (meaning a decision will be made based on whether it is more likely than not a violation took place).
  • To be informed of the outcome in writing.
  • To appeal the decision.

A more detailed list of student rights can be found in the Student Code of Conduct.


Academic Violation Penalties

Academic violations are met with clear, consistent, and specific sanctions and penalties ranging from a “zero” on the assignment in question, to an “F” in the course, to suspension or expulsion from Georgia Tech, which may be adjusted according to:

  • Level of premeditation.
  • Frequency and duration of violation.
  • Significance of the work in question to the final grade (e.g., major project, final exam).
  • Certainty of benefits (e.g., forged change of grade form, false re-grade request).
  • Direct academic injury to another student.
  • Whether there is the presence of criminal-type conduct (e.g., theft, bribery).
  • The degree to which the conduct intimidated others.
Non-Academic Violation Penalties*

Depending on the nature and severity of the infringement and the disciplinary history of the accused, one of five sanctions, plus one or more supplementary requirements may result.

*Criminal charges and penalties may be imposed over and above Institute disciplinary action for certain violations.

I was very satisfied with the process, and all involved. Everyone in the office was very polite and fair. I appreciate the time that was taken out to hear my side of the story and understand what happened.

- Anonymous